Tuesday 2 August 2011

Home Grown 2011: Greenhouse Sensation ChilliGrow Update

Here is a mini update from Greenhouse Sensation Chilligrow experiment. So far I am very pleased with the results. I started with a store bought Hungarian Hot Wax, home grown Jalapeno and finally my Krakatoa chili plant is in its third year picked up from the west dean chilli fiestia which was looking on its last legs. The picture below is from July and as you can see each plant is looking very very healthy. Each plant has fruit and and continues to grow in size week by week.
Greenhouse Sensation Chilligrow Picture

You will also notice in the frame a chilli nasu plant in a pot, I have already eaten the first crop of this one so it is looking a little bear.However I have been adding a little of the water used to fill up the chilli grow each time to this pot with the liquid fertiliser supplied and as a result I have already had a full crop which has already been eaten so currently the plant I looking a little sorry for itself.

Chilli Nasu Plant
If you decide to give the chilli grow yourself check out the Greenhouse sensation site. You can also pick up on the same page the South Devon Chilli Farm's Chilli Starter Kit. This includes everything you need to grow from seed to small plant; 20 Coir compost plugs (peat-free), 100ml of chilli feed, a selection of chilli seeds (3 x packet of seeds - Fresno, Ring of Fire and Peruvian Purple – 60 seeds in all), 10 plant labels and a mini disposable propagator to get seeds off to head start. All this is just £15.

Maddie the Cat taking shade in the Veg Patch


1 comment:

  1. Maddie looks like I feel when I have eaten too many chillis! :)
    My first "Hot Portugal" chillis are showing red colour now. Tried a green "Fuego" one the other day, which was very mild. Hopefully they will be hotter when ripe.
    Off on hols at the weekend, so won't be able to go to West Dean. Hope you have a good time there.
