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Friday, 23 March 2012

A new growing season 2012

Over recent months my work has unfortunately taken over all of my blogging time but has not quite taken away my chili time yet. I have worked my way through around 30 bottles of chilli sauce since my last blog and have begun this years growing in February.

This year i hope to be successful growing my own jalapeño, habanero, chilly willi chilli, Hungarian black chilli, yellow scotch bonnets, cayenne peppers, ring of fire and Serrano Picked up from the wahaca restaurant in London.

I am also attempting this post using an iPod for the first time so I hope it looks ok too

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Support Award Winning @grimreaperfoods

Please support my good chilli friend at Grim Reaper Foods – Specialist Chilli Products – Heat That Comes For You…
Grim Reaper foods is applying to enterprise nation to gain some funding to be able to bring new and more products to you the good people of chilli land. Click the link below to register your vote and help him reach that magic number  to continue exciting your taste buds!
Our family run business based in Herts create chilli sauces, chilli chocolates, and soon locally pressed chilli infused rapeseed oils. This year we have been invited to a local chilli festival in Bedford on fathers day, however we have no marquee, banners, tables etc which are essential to have for a stall. Also, our website is just a holding page, and requires attention (and funds!) We would love the £500 to boost us towards making these projects a reality, so we can increase the heat in the chilli world, face to face and via the web.
To pick of some of the Grim Reapers products now click this link Grim Reaper's Chilli Chocolate Trio: Hell Raiser, Black Widow and Purgatory and go exploring, enjoy!
Grim Reaper's Chilli Chocolate Trio: Hell Raiser, Black Widow & Purgatory
Thank you for your support!