Thursday 26 May 2011

Home Grown 2011 - The beginning

Here are some pictures of my chilli plant grow your own attempts from this year. I am slightly behind where I had hoped as my propagator with my first crop melted with my first set of seeds inside so I had to start all over again!

Above are the few lucky chile plants rescued from the twisted melted mess of my propagator, I have potted them up with some feed and placed them on the windowsill to hopefully recover and grow. In this set so far the padron and cayenne plants look to be holding on well and I am hopeful they will continue to grow.

Where I have started again, my new seedlings are coming through healthy and are almost ready to be potted up

From the seeds I have left and those I picked up from the south Devon chilli farm i am hoping to grow Jalapenos, Cherry Bombs, Yellow Scotch Bonnet and Ring of Fire Chillis this season. I hope to make my own hot sauce this year too hopefully. If you woul d like soem tips to grow your own chillis to get you started check out my mini basic growing guide here


  1. Hi James. Looks like you had some major problems leaving a comment on my blog, but I decyphered it in the end, so thanks for visiting! My chillis are looking very strong. I'm hoping for a good result this year. The first fruits are just forming on one of the Hot Portugal plants. How did the propagator disaster happen? Was it just an electrical failure?

  2. Hi Mark, yes google was driving me a bit crazy that day and i still cant log on and post a comment as myself though i can log on fine?!?. I keep checking on your fabulous garden. its our first year of major veg production too. We came pack to the propogator one day in the summer house and it was smoking and still on slowly melting itself into a twisted mess with my precious chillis inside. Now I am a bit wary of getting a new one now.
