Saturday 28 May 2011

Mexican Food Made Easy

I have recently been bought Master Chef winner Thomasina Miers Mexican Food Made Simple cook book. I was not aware of this book before and have to say it is fantastic and full of wonderful ideas demonstrating how exciting and delicious traditional Mexican food can be! The book clearly explains with lovely illustrations how to get the best from your different chillis and Mexican ingredients. There are soo many recipe's including soft corn tacos, tostados, quesadillas, Mexican chille con carne, Grilled Seabass and even some traditional sweets too including churros with chocolate sauce. I have tried many recipe's from the book and am slowly going to work my way through the whole lot!! Not every recipe has overpowering flavours as you might expect, their are many subtle flavours and unique ideas put in practice too.

The book itself is filled with great colorful pictures throughout, and easy step by step guides like folding the perfect burrito, eating a taco and plenty more true medical tips so you can even plan your own Mexican theme day with friends or just enjoy a fantastic meal anytime. I have learnt soo much from this book, fueling my growing love of Mexico and Mexican food. Through reading the book too I have discovered Thomasina Mires has a number of restaurants I hope to check one of them out when I am next in London this August and plan to let you know how I get on. As my Friends will tell you I can be very critical of Mexican food and this book gets my vote so take a look pick yourself up a copy soon.

Also check out her series on TV at the moment every Tuesday on channel five where there are great competitions and demonstration of dishes like real Mexican chilli and guacamole how it should be!


  1. You should try her chocolate chilli ice cream - it's fabulous! We attended a talk by her at the British Museum, which was fascinating, if a bit "ad-hoc"! I got samples of lots of authentic Mexican chillis...

  2. I am not a big fan of sweet food but you have caught my attention on this one and i have looked it up. may be tempted. Next time you try the recipe i reccomend sourcing a bottle of agavero a tequila licor that goes very well after dinner and with sweet food. hard to get hold of but worth the wait!

  3. Just made my first Chipotle sauce last night. It lifted our ears off.
