Friday 3 June 2011

Capitan Bravo Habanero Hot Sauce

Capitan Bravo Habanero Hot Sauce
Capitan Bravo Habanero Hot Sauce
I was pleasantly surprised on receiving this hot sauce through my 'scorchio hot sauce club'. Capitan Bravo is not someone I was aware of and if I am honest would probably not have chosen this chilli if it hadn't been selected for me by luck. Which is why I think it deserves a mention and a mini hot sauce review.

The chili sauce itself comes from Mexican and is 100% HOME-MADE claiming on the bottle "an exceptional flavor for any kind of meal."

The whole feel and flavour of this chile sauce is something different to what you will be used to and this is a good thing! The sauce contains olive oil which emulsifies giving the sauce a consistency like a salad dressing which at first i found very strange. However the distinct flavours of the Mexican grown habanero, carrot, salt, spices and, onion powder combine with the oil in a wonderful way. I have had to think a bit of different ways to use this unique wonderful sauce. It make a tasty but messy taco and great to drizzle over chips or a over dull salad to bring it alive! Where every you might use a dressing in your meals try this hot sauce as a substitute.

I believe it is always good to get some Mexican spirit into you cooking so pick some Capitan Bravo Habanero Hot Sauce up here.

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