Saturday 4 June 2011

Chilli Pepper Pete news

A brief update from me and positive news for Chilli Pepper Pete. following an online conversation it looks like Pete may be getting a new shop location in Brighton. Nothing is completed yet and i dont want to jinx it so i cannot reveal anymore at this stage until all is sorted but well done and good luck to the chilli pepper Pete team! Keep watching for updates and details of the new place when i can reveal more!

Before them check out their online shop to find out about products or also the fiery foods festival

Long Live Chilli Pepper Pete!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chile Town Hot sauces, thank you for visitign and commentign on my blog. I would love to review some of your sauces and do a feature for you. I have emailed you through your site with my address and hope to be feeling the heat of your sauce and writing about you very soon!
